18 sept 2014


Today people in Scotland will decide the future of their country.
They're being asked to vote yes or no to one question - should Scotland be an independent country? It's a vote that could change history. Scotland's been part of the UK for more than 300 years.

4.2 million people have asked for a vote. That means that 97% of the total number of people able to vote have registered. A record number of people have also registered for a postal vote, with the total reaching 789,024.

The result of the vote should become clear on Friday.
(Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/29237855)

Hoxe a xente de Escocia decidirá o futuro do seu país. Pídenlle que voten Si ou NON a unha pregunta: debería Escocia ser un país independente? Este é un voto que pode cambiar a historia. Escocia forma parte do Reino Unido dende hai máis de 300 anos.
Pedíuselle o voto a máis de 4.2 millóns de persoas. Isto supón  que hai un 97% do número de persoas con dereito a voto. Un número record de persoas tamén solicitou o voto por correo, chegando os 789,024 persoas.
O resultado da votación desvelarase mañá, venres.

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