25 oct 2015


This year we are participating in a new project which will take us and Ourense to various countries in the world. It's a Travelling Notebook.
What is a travelling notebook?
Well, it's a notebook which travels. There are six schools taking part in this chain:

  • IES César Manrique (Lanzarote, Spain)
  • IES Guía (Gran Canaria, Spain)
  • CPR Padre Feijoo Zorelle (Ourense, Spain)
  • Ulyanovsk school № 76 (Uljanovsk, Russia)
  • Sekolah Menengah Ayer Puteh (Malaysia)
  • Zhoushan Senior High School (Zhejiang, China)

Our travelling notebook will travel to Russia. Every time we receive a notebook, we will write on it and send it to Russia. From Russia it will travel Malaysia. From Malaysia it will fly to China and from China to Spain, to the Canary Islands, before coming back to us after being travelling for 8 months.

2º ESO A have been working hard and with enthusiasm on their travelling notebook for this year. They had to do some research on Ourense, the festivals we celebrate in our province and our school too.

The notebook is already on its way to Russia! But, if you feel curious, you can have a look at it below!

If you want to find out more about the schools taking part in this project and their travelling notebooks, don't miss the project's blog: http://palabrasdamanaocorazon.blogspot.com.es/

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