17 mar 2014


Yes, the Irish are celebrating a very special day today: Saint Patrick's Day. Do you know who he was? What did he do for the Irish? How do the Irish people celebrate this day? Lots of questions whose answers you will find in the slideshow below.

Saint Patrick's Day is also very important in New York. Some of you said you had seen a big parade in the news and you thought Saint Patrick's day was yesterday. Here you have a video showing the annual parade at New York. Watch it and try to complete the missing information. 

Watch the video sound off and write down : 
 The programme:
The reporter’s name:
The subject:
The location: 
Watch the video sound and find details about: 
The parade:
Famous because: 
The locations: ...................................................... from ............................... to............................
The number of spectators: 
The number of marchers: 
The Times: from ........................................................... to ...........................................................
His opinion of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade: 

To finish and to learn more you can visit this History channel with lots of videos on this special celebration.

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