22 mar 2014

Be a Superhero for the Planet!

We've been talking about the environment, climate change, global warming and also TV programmes. All these topics come together in a special celebration which will take place next Saturday, 29th March from 8.30 to 9.30 pm. It's Earth Hour!

Earth Hour is an annual event organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature. This year it has a very special ambassador. For the first time in its history, a superhero is its ambassador : Spider-Man.

The stars and director of the upcoming film The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx and Marc Webb are pledging to support one Earth Hour Blue crowdfunding project each. Join them and use your power to support 'A Flame called Hope', 'Puppy Protectors', 'Light Up a Village' & 'Power Up a Ranger' today!

For more information visit http://www.earthhour.org/

Here you have the transcript of the video and some exercises for practice.

17 mar 2014


Yes, the Irish are celebrating a very special day today: Saint Patrick's Day. Do you know who he was? What did he do for the Irish? How do the Irish people celebrate this day? Lots of questions whose answers you will find in the slideshow below.

Saint Patrick's Day is also very important in New York. Some of you said you had seen a big parade in the news and you thought Saint Patrick's day was yesterday. Here you have a video showing the annual parade at New York. Watch it and try to complete the missing information. 

Watch the video sound off and write down : 
 The programme:
The reporter’s name:
The subject:
The location: 
Watch the video sound and find details about: 
The parade:
Famous because: 
The locations: ...................................................... from ............................... to............................
The number of spectators: 
The number of marchers: 
The Times: from ........................................................... to ...........................................................
His opinion of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade: 

To finish and to learn more you can visit this History channel with lots of videos on this special celebration.

15 mar 2014


Hello everyone,

This year our school is taking part for the first time in a contest about English and English speaking countries.The Big Challenge is an English language contest for students between the ages of 11 and 16. It is held every year in May in schools across France, Germany, Austria, Spain and Sweden. In 2003, over 610,00 students with 30,000 teachers from 6,000 schools participated in The Big Challenge.Created in France in 1999 by a group of English teachers, its main purpose is to motivate students learning languages with an educational yet fun experience. 

As you may guess, this requires training. And where can you get the training? In the following link. You have to register and you'll have access to a lot of games, activities, videos and quizzes. There is also information for parents and carers.

If you have any questions or doubts, please ask your English teacher and she'll tell you what to do.

Now, time for fun with English!

Este año nuestro Cole va a participar por primera vez en un concurso sobre el inglés y sobre países de habla inglesa. El Big Challenge (Gran reto) es un concurso para alumnos de entre 11 y 16 años de edad. Se celebra todos los años en mayo en colegio de países como Francia, Alemania, Austria, España y Suecia. En el año 2003 participaron en el concurso más de 610.000 estudiantes con 30.000 profesores de 6.000 colegios diferentes. El concurso se creó en Francia en el año 1999.

Como podéis imaginar, participar en el concurso requiere práctica. Y ¿dónde podéis encontrarla? Pues, en este enlace. Tenéis que registraros y así tendréis acceso a cantidad de juegos, actividades, vídeos y cuestionarios. Hay también una zona con información para vuestros padres y/o tutores.

Si tenéis alguna duda o pregunta, no dudéis en comentárnoslo a las prefes de inglés y os ayudaremos a resolverla.

¡Ahora a divertirse con el inglés!

14 mar 2014

O MECD convoca bolsas para a participación no programa intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés en España.

As bolsas para a participación no programa intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés en España polo Ministerio de Educación, Cultura e Deporte están destinadas a alumnado de Bacharelato, de Grao medio de Formación profesional, de Artes Plásticas e Deseño, de Ensinanzas Deportivas, de Ensinanzas Profesionais de Música e Danza e de Idiomas de nivel intermedio e avanzado.

As persoas beneficiarias asistirán a un curso intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés dunha semana de duración, en distintos puntos de España, convivindo e realizando actividades en réxime de internado con persoal angloparlante nativo de países de lingua inglesa.

o prazo da solicitudes está aberto ata o 2 de abril de 2014 e a xestión debe facerse a través da páxina web do Ministerio de Educación, Cultura e Deporte mediante formulario on-line.

4 mar 2014

Happy Pancake Day!

Carnival's nearly finished but we have to celebrate Pancake Day. Do you know what a pancake is? Well, we're sure you love them. Pancakes are "filloas". And in the UK they have their own day!