5 nov 2020


Remember, remember, the Fifth of November

Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

This is the stanza many people in the Uk recite every 5th of November. Do you want to know why? Keep reading to find out!

On 5 November, people across the UK celebrate Bonfire Night with fireworks, bonfires, sparklers and toffee apples  because it's the anniversary of an attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament, known as The Gundpowder plot.

What was the Gunpowder Plot?
Guy (Guido) Fawkes was part of the Gunpowder plot in 1605. He wanted to blow up King James I and his government.

This was because of religion. England was a Protestant country and the plotters were Catholic. They wanted England to be Catholic again, which they thought they could do if they killed King James I and his ministers.

So, Fawkes and his group put 36 barrels of gunpowder in cellars underneath the Houses of Parliament in London, ready to set off a massive explosion.
However, one member of Fawkes' group sent a letter to his friend who worked in Parliament, warning him to stay away on 5 November. The King's supporters got hold of the letter and the plot was rumbled!
Guards broke into the cellars where the gunpowder plotters were waiting. They were arrested and executed.

Have a look at the video below to get a full picture of thsi British celebration.

1 oct 2020


We all know that pronunciation is important for good and effective spoken communication. 

If you want to improve your pronunciation, here you'll find videos and exercises to help you. But before having fun with the English sounds, have a look at the phonetic chart below.

28 sept 2020


After the presentations in class, we want to leave a post with the books you will need for this year. Remember! If you or your parents have any questions, come and talk to your teachers!

1º ESO (student's book + workbook)

2º ESO (Student's book and workbook)

3º ESO (Student's book + workbook)

4º ESO (Student's book + workbook)

1º BAC (Student's book + workbook)

2º BAC (Student's book + workbook)

16 jun 2020


Hello everyone!
Hoy queremos compartir con vosotros una "obra de arte" de vuestra compañera Vania de 4º ESO. Era una de las tareas asignadas a su curso. Resume los primeros capítulos del libro Brewter's Millions, en el que el joven Monty Brewster tiene que decidir si heredar 1 millón de dólares o 7.

14 jun 2020

19 may 2020

Fondo libros e axudas para material escolar 2020-2021

A Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación profesional acaba de publicar a ORDE do 12 de maio de 2020 pola que se regula a participación no fondo solidario de libros de texto e se convocan axudas para adquirir libros de texto e material escolar destinadas ao alumnado matriculado en educación primaria, educación secundaria obrigatoria e educación especial en centros docentes sostidos con fondos públicos para o curso escolar 2020/21.
O prazo de solicitude empeza mañá 20 de maio e remata o 19 de xuño de 2020.
Poden solicitala:
  • en liña na sede electrónica de la Xunta de Galicia no seguinte enlace: Solicitude electrónica (É preciso dispor de certificado dixital o «Chave 365».
  • presencialmente no centro en horario de 10:00 a 13:30
Para máis información, poden chamar á secretaría do centro e consultar o Portal da Consellería de educación  aquí.

8 may 2020

Europe Day - 9th May

Good morning everyone! On Saturday, 9th May, we celebrate the Europe Day. For this reason, today we are going to celebrate it knowing a little bit more about the Eurovision Song Contest. Do you know it? If you don't (and you do), here you have a brief presentation with its history before getting into the game.

Did you like it? I hope so! Now that you have revised and checked the European flags, it's time to play! Here you have a Kahoot! to check your wisdom and knowledge about the Eurovision Song Contest. Game PIN: 06380036

May the best win! 💪🙂

24 abr 2020


It's time for some fun. Do you remember the wordcloud from yesterday with the adjectives to describe books and reading?

How about using them to complete this activity?


Morning everyone! And here it is: the last day of our BOOK FESTIVAL. We hope you are enjoying it as much as us.
Today, we want to share two beautiful poems read by Adriana, Clara, Ainhoa and Andrea.
The Rainbow Children was written by a mum of two children to honour them in this hard time. We want to dedicate it to you, our school's students!

Lockdown is the second poem we want to share with you. It was written by an English student to describe the situation we are living. This is a poem to your families, friends and relatives!

23 abr 2020


Here we have some of the artworks that your classmates have done for "The Mighty Train of Reading". Enjoy them!

Thanks Sofía, Saray, Nicole, Laura, Santiago, David, Brais and Gabriela! 😊


What comes to your mind when you think about books and reading? Some 1º BAC girls have thought about it and for them reading and books can be...

Why don't you choose and adjective from this wordcloud and send us a picture to ingles@feijoozorelle.com? You have 99 adjectives to choose from!


Second day of the 7th Book Festival and we want to challenge you. We've found these emojis on a British newspaper, The Telepgraph. Can you guess the book titles?
Clue: They have been made into films

Segundo día del VII Festival del Libro y queremos lanzaros un reto. Hemos encontrado estos emoticonos en un periódico británico, The Telegraph. ¿Podéis adivinar los títulos de estos libros? 
Pista: También son películas

22 abr 2020


Here it is again! Time for celebrating reading, books and literature! Have a look at the programme and enjoy the activities!

20 abr 2020


Hello everyone,
Después de haber hablado con vari@s de vosotr@s, he decidido para facilitar la comunicación y porque así lo habéis pedido empezar a utilizar Google Classroom con vosotr@s alumn@s de 4º ESO. Estos son los códigos que necesitáis:
  • 4º ESO A:  jackfjm
  • 4º ESO B: 4hrvhtr
Seguiré colgando tarea aquí pero usaremos Google Classroom. ¡No tenéis excusa, me lo pedisteis vosotr@s!
Your teacher,

15 abr 2020


Hello everyone!  How are you? We have been thinking about how to make things easier for you and your families and we have come up with this idea. You all have three lessons a week except 2º ESO with four lessons a week. So, here are the days when you'll have lessons to check without worrying about As and Bs.

¡Hola chic@s! ¿Qué tal estáis? Hemos estado pensando sobre cómo facilitaros el trabajos un poco más a vosotr@s y a vuestras familias y se nos ha ocurrido esta idea. Todos los cursos tenéis tres clases a la semana excepto 2º ESO, que tenéis cuatro. Así que, aquí están los días en los que tendréis clases en el blog sin importar si estáis en A o en B.

14 abr 2020

Hello again boys and girls! Welcome back to this adventure! We hope you are OK and that you have had a good time over your Easter holidays. You worked really hard and you deserved it! 
Today, we want to welcome you to the 3rd term. We know that it won’t be easy, but we are together in this and we are going to make the most of it. 
We are now in a storm, they say,  but remember that after the storm, comes the calm (and the sun). It is our time to keep going and never give up, because when this situation finishes, we, you and us, your teachers, will have learned to be stronger. Remember that "What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger" according to Kelly Clarkson!

¡Hola otra vez chic@s! ¡Biencvenid@s a esta aventura! Esperamos que estéis tod@s bien y que lo hayáis pasado bien en las vacaciones de Semana Santa. ¡Trabajasteis duro y os las merecíais!
Hoy, queremos daros la bienvenida al 3er trimestre. Sabemos que no será fácil, pero estamos junt@s en esto y vamos a sacarle el máximo partido.
Estamos, dicen que en una tormenta, pero recordad que después de la tormenta siempre viene la clama (y el sale el sol). Es el momento de continuar y de no rendirse, porque cuando esta situación termine tod@s nosotr@s, vosotr@s y nosotr@s, vuestr@s profes, habremos aprendido a ser más fuertes. 
Recordad la canción de Kelly Clarkson: What doesn't kill you  makes you stronger!

13 mar 2020


Estimadas familias:
Esperamos que todos os encontréis bien. Estamos viviendo una situación extraordinaria y por eso tenemos que adoptar medidas diferentes.
Como sabéis, el colegio estará cerrado al menos por 15 días. Durante el tiempo que dure la suspensión de la actividad lectiva, utilizaremos el blog como un diario. Las teachers iremos colgando cada día actividades que l@s alumn@s debéis realizar para seguir el ritmo que ya teníamos. 
¿Y cómo contacto con las teachers? Podéis dejar un comentario en la entrada correspondiente o enviar un correo a ingles@feijoozorelle.com
Entendemos las limitaciones que puede haber, pero nos gustaría que nos enviaseis las respuestas a las actividades que os proponemos al correo del departamento (ingles@feijoozorelle.com). Es importante que en el asunto especifiquéis el grupo en el que estáis.
Los alumnos de bachillerato recibirán un correo electrónico los días que tienen clase de inglés con actividades que incluirán listening, reading, writing y ejercicios de gramática y vocabulario. En el correo serán informados de los plazos para realizar y entregar esas tareas.
¡Mucho ánimo!