17 may 2015

Galician Literature Day

Today, we are celebrating Galician Literature Day. It's a public holiday in Galicia aldo known as the Day of Galician Literature Day or the Day of Galician Letters. It marks the anniversary of the publication of the literary work Cantares Gallegos by Rosalía de Castro on May 17, 1863.

The first Galician Literature Day was held on May 17, 1963. The Royal Galician Academy annually honours a Galician language writer. This year's honoured writer is Xosé Filgueira Valverde.

Now that you've learnt or rememebered something about the bank holiday in Galicia, we'd like to invite you to listen to Alex (2º ESO) reading two poems written by Rosalía de Castro and translated itno English by John howard Reid. the poems are Why do you despise me? and Daydreaming.

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